Successful weekend
The container has arrived!
We are always delighted when we can show you that your donations have arrived. This time it's your donations in kind. The container left the port of Hamburg at the beginning of September. Burkina Faso itself has no access to the sea, which is why it is transported by rail from the capital of Togo, Lomé, to Ouagadougou - and there it remains in customs for the time being.
But now it has arrived at AMPO!
Now every helping hand is needed to unpack it.
Siamese twins
Siamese twins were referred to the AMPO rehabilitation centre again today. This is the second time that maternity clinics have referred the mothers to AMPO, as the clinic has the best hygienic conditions.
What happens next?
The mother now has the opportunity to stay in the clinic with her children for 3 months. Then they will hopefully be successfully separated at the Charles de Gaulle Children's Hospital.
And even after the operation, AMPO will continue to look after the family until they have coped well with the consequences of the operation and can go home.
You can see the relief of the mother, who would not have been able to finance medical treatment for the children without the help of AMPO.
Welcome LOMPO Hamadou!
We have a new member in the AMPO family in Ouagadougou. Of course, we are sad that Marthe Sanaogo, who has been with us for many years, has decided to take a new path in her life. But now we are all the more looking forward to working with Hamadou.
He is a student of German studies, president of a provincial association and an active member of the German Club at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University.
Hamadou knows the needs of orphans, having grown up as a half-orphan himself.
We wish him the best of luck in his new role and are delighted that Director General Dénis Yameogo will soon have a new, powerful supporter at his side.
Katrin Rohde in New York
From 05.11. to 09.11. Katrin Rohde travelled across the Atlantic to introduce AMPO students from Fordham University. They have set themselves the task of making AMPO better known in the USA and developing a marketing strategy for the Katrin Rohde Foundation there.
Katrin was impressed by the professionalism of the presentations.
We would like to thank all sponsors and the initiator of the trip. In co-operation with Fordham University, we are now trying to fill the Katrin Rohde Foundation with life.
AMPO in Berlin and members' meeting in Hamburg!
At this year's general meeting, we realised just how important direct dialogue is. Lively discussions, the presentation of new projects, a report on the situation in Burkina Faso by Katrin Rohde and the board elections made the afternoon interesting and exciting.
Unfortunately, we were unable to welcome our guests from Burkina Faso, Dénis Yameogo (Director General) and Olivier Bado (Director of Tondtenga) in Hamburg, but they did come to Berlin.
And here, too, the talks were important, because we know far too little about the current situation in the country. We learnt that the political situation is not affecting the AMPO projects. However, the inflation rate is rising and so are food prices. We have to try to compensate for this.
It was a wonderful and interesting few days!
Monthly diary
To help the children perform well in school we introduced learning groups at the orphanages. In the groups the children are able to help each other with homework and revise what they’ve learned at school, aided by the older children or the educators.
Monthly diary
Im Februar dieses Jahres haben die jungen Frauen von MIA/ALMA ihre sportlichen Aktivitäten wieder aufgenommen, insbesondere Fußball mit der MIA/ALMA eigenen Mannschaft "Reine Baongo". Diese Aktivitäten tragen nicht nur zur körperlichen Gesundheit der Mädchen bei, sondern auch zu ihrem seelischen Gleichgewicht. Und vor allem haben sie viel Spaß dabei!
Monthly diary
At the end of January an association, whose aim is to contribute to the development of young people in the Sahel Region, organised a joint dinner for the children. The meal provided the members with an opportunity to show solidarity and support for the children. The menu included seasoned rice with fish, a traditional local dish, and bissap juice. The hosts also brought along soap for the children and promised to come back again with more gifts in the future.
Travel diary Burkina Faso 2023
We set off for the airport at 3 a.m. on the start of our journey to AMPO in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. We flew to Brussels, arriving in the wind and the rain, but it didn’t matter we weren’t going outside. At Brussels airport we met the other three members of our group who flew in from Frankfurt.
Monthly diary
December brought some lovely gifts to AMPO. The good Christmas action of a group of artists was to offer a storytelling evening to our AMPO protégés.
Monthly diary
In the month of October, 140 women received help through the granting of micro-credits in the AMPO project P.P.Filles. Many of them are widows and are in difficult situations. Some are internally displaced persons who had to leave their villages behind because of terror.