
Yes, I'd like to support AMPO International e.V. to help children in Burkina Faso with a donation:

Leave your mark on the world

We are grateful for every donation and guarantee that it will only be used for purposes in accordance with our statutes. If you want your donation to be used for a specific purpose we will make every effort to comply with your wish. If this is not possible or not necessary, your donation will be allocated to our statutory association funds to be used where it is needed most.


Thank you! With your donation you will be leaving your mark on the world. There are other ways to support our work in Burkina Faso:

… or you can simply transfer your donation direct to our bank account:

Donation account:

AMPO International e.V.
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
IBAN: DE 80 4306 0967 1038 3287 00

AMPO International e.V. provides information about the work done by AMPO, ensures that the projects are financed and coordinates operational procedures. Our annual accounts are inspected by external auditors and subsequently published..

Association register: Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 23972

Recognised charity: Finanzamt für Körperschaften I 27/660/66527, Berlin

We are grateful for every donation and any kind of assistance. If you have the possibility of giving your time to support the association in its many projects please let us know. We will contact you to discuss what you can do in your environment to promote the good work in Africa.


Donation receipt

Tax authorities accept the presentation of a statement as evidence of a donation of up to € 200 in connection with income tax returns. We will issue a donation receipt for submission to the relevant tax authority.

To reduce administration costs we will issue individual donation receipts up to an amount of € 50 only on request. Please let us know or enter your address in the reason for payment on bank transfer slips and we will send you a donation receipt for tax purposes. (Recognition of charitable status: Finanzamt für Körperschaften I 27/660/66527, Berlin. Registered in Vereinsregister Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 23972). To simplify procedures we can also issue a block receipt (listing all amounts and dates of donations made over the calendar year) in the first quarter of the following year.